Aug 16, 2019 | Blog, Dental Topics 2, Root Canal Treatment, Uncategorized
A tooth that has been damaged by decay or trauma may need endodontic treatment, also called root canal therapy, in order to save the tooth. Although it may sound like a scary procedure, advances in dentistry have made it a much less painful or upsetting process than...
May 3, 2019 | Blog, Dental Topics 2, Root Canal Treatment, Uncategorized
An aching tooth can make your life miserable. Pain, difficulty eating, inability to sleep, headaches and earaches are some of the problems that often accompany a toothache. If you have any of these symptoms and suspect a damaged tooth, a trip to the dentist is in...
Sep 28, 2018 | Blog, Dental Topics 2, Root Canal Treatment, Uncategorized
Sometimes a tooth is so severely damaged that the only way to save it is with root canal treatment. There is no reason to turn and run if your dentist advises this procedure. The treatment has advanced to the point that it’s often compared to getting a filling. There...
Aug 10, 2018 | Blog, Dental Topics 2, Root Canal Treatment, Uncategorized
The desire for a beautiful, healthy, natural smile is universal. Dental procedures such as root canal treatments aren’t something people aspire to have, and there are things you can do personally that can reduce your risk of having a root canal procedure. Prevention...